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The Transformative Power of Daily Reading Habit.

No one likes daily reading books because sitting on a chair or somewhere in one position and keeping an eye on every line of the paragraph to understand the whole paragraph is not easy. Especially when your teacher or mom forces you to read books every day, it makes the situation worse, and it can cause you to feel sleepy while reading a book. For perhaps you are the kind of person who is always on-the-go and never has more than a few minutes to read. Even with this, a lot of individuals still find joy in reading and using it as an opportunity to see things from another perception. So at this stage a question can come to your mind, why people like reading books and how they always manage to read them with pleasure every day. This quote may provide an answer to this question, Which was written by J.K. Rowling:

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” 

This quote from J.K. Rowling points out that if someone dislikes reading, it probably means just is true has not been found. Thus, when someone tells you that he does not like to read it is just possible that this person has not yet found a book. Clearly they will need more work to find the right set up. So now that you know your Interest in Reading depends on the Genre of substantial which inspires to prompt Daily reading.

How to develop a daily reading habit

So, the first step is you need to make it easier and more accessible so that reading becomes a pleasurable activity for yourself. In order to do this, you have to choose books related with what interests you and are on your reading level. Reading makes a good flow activity because if you read books that truly captivate your attention, when in reading “flow” time is forgotten.

Here are Effective tips that can make your daily reading flawless.

    Before you start reading a book, separate yourself from distractions, especially in this digital age. Every person owns one most common distractions, which is distractions from smartphones. According to a report from Statista, estimates suggest as many as 7.26 billion users by late 2022. With an estimated 7.49 billion mobile phone users worldwide by the end of 2025. That means you can leave your smartphone in another room or turn it off. Or you can pass it to someone who could inform you of an important call (I know this alternative is some kind of clickbait-ish, but kudos to your friend/relative!).
  • The next tip is to start small because I know some of you are motivated to read a whole book a day or read at least one hour, but the motivation fades away after a very short time. Then, you get bored and simply forget this reading habit. It is because you make your reading very hard and that is why you lose your passion for reading. Start reading for just 5-10 minutes a day, and then gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with the habit. Reading first thing in the morning can help establish the habit.
  • Through this incremental process of building up a daily reading habit, you would find out that reading is not really hard and your love for learning to read will also start. If you are too busy then listen to audiobooks while cooking or doing your daily chores, going for a run in the gym. Audiobooks are a great way to weave some reading into your daily rotations without actually sitting down with the book.
  • Read the books and genres that you are actually interested in, not just what other people “should” recommend. As a result, reading becomes more pleasant.
  • Become a member of a book club or reading group to meet reading goals and find new books you like. Maintain a reading journal to monitor your development and recognize your accomplishments. The secret is to incorporate enjoyable, convenient reading into your everyday routine. Develop the habit gradually, start small, and put your attention on having fun.

By developing a habit of daily reading, you will experience the numerous benefits that come with being a regular reader.

Some of them you might already know and often hear from other people’s mouths: Reading can improve your vocabulary, critical thinking, empathy, and overall mental well-being. But we are not going to repeat those well-known benefits here. Today, we are going deeper and taking the view of science about what changes occur in our whole body when we start reading every day.

In experiments, researchers have conducted a study in which they obtained functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans while people read. By monitoring changes in cerebral blood flow, scientists have observed that reading activates the brain’s neuronal circuits. This stimulation, in turn, increases creativity and learning potential, eventually improving memory, cognitive function, and higher brain activity, etc.

Improved Brain Function

Daily reading will also not only teach you to think critically, but make you imaginative. Once you begin to read regularly it literally changes the way your mind is wired by boosting white matter, which in turn boosts language areas of your brain. In terms of enhancing cognitive function, creativity and overall brain health the research suggests that daily reading is a popular weapon to have in your arsenal.

Increased Empathy

It also helps to improve the ability to understand others’ perspectives and emotions. For example, a 2013 study published in Science found that participants who read excerpts of literary fiction showed significantly greater improvements in the text of empathy and perspective-taking compared to those who read genre fiction or non-fiction. The researchers believe this is because literary fiction often depicts characters with complex, ambiguous inner lives, requiring readers to imagine that understanding other’ perspectives appears to translate to improved real-world empathy.

Less Stress

So, another benefit of reading a book is it offers us less stress in this digital era where we can read by scrolling through social media, news sites or emails along with listening to the audiobooks. However, as we are always using screens it is necessary to disconnect and calm down before going to sleep. When you read a paper book, it feels like your body sends off an on to go-to-sleep signal.

An e-reader’s screen doesn’t have the same effect and, since it’ll keep you up longer at night to read before bed (as we are all guilty of doing), this can lead to poor sleep as well. And in fact, the blue light that comes out of those computer screens and TV screens and tablet screens, cell phone lights interrupts melatonin synthesis – which is your hormone that actually affects what’s known as circadian rhythm or even our sleeping pattern.

According to Nick Patel, DO at Pulmonary Care Associates in Sleep Medicine, this could be the cause of you having a harder time sleeping or staying asleep. If you must use your devices before bed, Patel suggests to give yourself at least 30 minutes of screen-free time beforehand to reduce the likelihood that they will interfere with your sleep cycle.

Daily Reading Book before sleeping
Have you ever wondered how you manage to relax and fall asleep after reading?

So before we move further I want to ask you what is your time to read most? For many people, the best time to read is before bed, as it can help them relax and fall asleep more easily.

Another research conducted in 2009, at the University of Sussex found out that reading can decrease stress an astonishing number by about 68%, more efficient than music loaden beverages or a stroll. Furthermore, reading could be considered as meditative practice because it helps to clear your mind and body of stray thoughts from the day.

Additionally, some studies have suggested that reading works like a good luck charm with long-term benefits for cognitive health, potentially reducing the risk of mental disabilities like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life.

In summary, incorporating a daily reading habit into your routine can provide a myriad of benefits for your brain, emotional well-being, and overall health – from enhanced cognitive abilities and creativity to improved empathy and stress reduction.


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